Twenty-seven Saami students form reindeer husbandry started on the IPY EALAT bachelor course (30 ETCS Points) this week, also called Learning by Herding offered by
Saami University College. The course trains students to include traditional knoweledge in biological understanding, insights and analyses.

The first week focused on distribution of wild and domestic reindeer and reindeer herding in the circumpolar north, ethics, different kind of knowledge and the biological foundations in the new law for reindeer husbandry.
The course also introduced the students to online flexible teaching by IPY EALAT PhD student Mathis Bongo. Professor Knut Røed from Norwegian School of Veterinary Medicine and Dr Nelejet Zorgdrager from the Neatherlands were invited teachers this week. There is expected to be as many as 61 participated in Zorgdragers lecture about the 'Kautokeino rebelion 1852 - relevance also today?' Next gathering for the student will take place in week 8 with focus on animal welfare, parasites, slaughtering and meat quality, carring capacity and castration.
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