During the IPY 2007-2008, many documents, presentations, and multi-media tools have been developed that are a critical legacy of this historical research period. In order to learn from experiences, and present a comprehensive account to historians and scientists of the future, the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) and Canadian IPY Secretariat at the University of Alberta have developed a process for capture and storage of digital material. This process has been endorsed and developed with the IPY International Programme Office and Joint Committee.
Material can be related to IPY planning and implementation, logistics, community engagement, and other important events. Appropriate material includes emails, presentations, key documents, images, videos, and other digital files. All material will be publicly accessible except for those documents specified as 'closed.' Closed documents will be accessible only by individual request to SPRI, and for specific research purposes.
Physical artifacts should be archived with national or institutional libraries. A separate process is in place for storage of scientific data through the IPY Data and Information Service (IPY-DIS). Publications should be submitted to the IPY Publications Database.
Files may either be uploaded individually on the IPY Digital Resource Library (DiTRL) web interface, or, for larger collections, uploaded by batch submission. For the latter, you will be asked to store your files on a CD or DVD, or transfer them by FTP to the University of Alberta for uploading. You will also be asked to complete a simple spreadsheet detailing an overview of the material. For more information on the archiving process, including uploading and security, please visit IPY-DiTRL at: http://sunsite.ualberta.ca/Projects/IPY/.
For further information about IPY Archiving, please go to:
IPY Archiving Announcement
Wed, Apr 15, 2009