The Spring / Summer 2009 Issue of Northern Notes is Available at:
The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) Spring / Summer 2009 issue of the Northern Notes newsletter is now available at:
Featured articles in this issue include:
- The Sixth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, ICASS VI,
Nuuk 2008 Arctic Social Sciences - Prospects for the International
Polar Year 2007-2008 Era and Beyond.
- IPY 2007-2008: A Science Breakthrough and a Blink of an Eye.
- Extractive Industry Working Group.
- The Social Economy and Canada's North: Researching New Possibilities
in Development.
- International Arctic Science Committee.
- The University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Global Change Joins
Circumpolar Researchers into a Curriculum Work.
- The Northern Research Forum: Promoting Open Discussions and
Implementing the Interplay between Science and Politics.
- IASSA, NRF, and APECS Collaboration.
- New Emphasis on Social Sciences within the APECS.
Also included is information on upcoming conferences, announcements, new publications, exhibitions, and news from members. To access the newsletter, please go to: .
Newsletter Available Online
Mon, Apr 27, 2009

Northern Notes
International Arctic Social Sciences Association