The successful candidate is expected to conduct research on a high international level. The appointee must take advantage of national and international research funding opportunities, participate in teaching and doctoral education at the department, and be active in the interaction between science and society at large. The department places particular weight on documented research in the physical-chemical processes of aquatic and terrestrial environments or ecosystem research.The department houses well-equipped, functional laboratories, which the assistant professor is expected to support in his or her research.

Applications must be accompanied either by an English-language curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a report on experience and qualifications which are relevant in the evaluation of teaching skills,as well as other relevant documents; or by an English-language academic portfolio including the previously mentioned documents and the necessary information (instructions are available on the university website). In addition, the application must include a two-page English-language report on how the applicant intends to develop research in his or her own field while in this position.

Applications and the relevant enclosures should be sent to theUniversity of Helsinki Registry via email to

Alternately, applications may also be submitted in hardcopy to:
University of Helsinki Registry
P.O. Box 33 (Yliopistonkatu 4)
00014 University of Helsinki

Applications must be received no later than 3:45 p.m. EEST (GMT +3) on:Wednesday, 27 April 2011. Applicants should prepare to submit ten publications of their own choiceto be sent to assessors after the application period. If requested, the publications must be submitted via email as PDF attachments.

For further information on the university and the department, please click on the 'Description of the Academic Environment' link here.

For questions, please contact:Miska Luoto