This report provides people with timely, reliable, and understandable information on topics ranging from temperature and precipitation changes to salmon and polar bears.

Headlines in this report include:

  • Warming oceans and atmosphere are driving more frequent and impactful extreme events across all of Alaska. Storms produce widespread coastal flooding, trigger landslides, and form ice that cripples transportation and power systems.
  • Community and Indigenous observations play a vital role in documenting and understanding the impacts of weather and climate changes across Alaska.
  • Earlier snowmelt and warmer springs and summers are fueling more wildfire and associated smoke.
  • Warmer oceans, rivers, lakes and other complex and interrelated factors are changing salmon abundance and size, impacting traditional use and commercial fisheries.

To access the publication, go to:
Alaska's Changing Environment webpage

For questions, contact:
Heather McFarland
Phone: 907-474-6286