Faculty and researchers from the eight Arctic Council member states (the U.S., Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden) can apply for this collaborative research program, which will begin in spring 2018. A webinar for applicants is arranged today, October 11, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Тематическая сеть Университета Арктики "Роль педагогического образования в обеспечении социальной справедливости и разнообразных форм обучения" организовала онлайн семинар "Знания об инуитах". Семинар прошел в среду 4 октября на базе г. Ньюфаундленд, Канада. Записанный семинар доступен онлайн.

Тематической сетью Университета Арктики «Роль педагогического образования в обеспечении социальной справедливости и разнообразных форм обучения» был организован онлайн семинар на базе Мемориального университета Ньюфаундленда. Тема семинара, проведенного 4 октября, «Включение знаний инуитов в программу подготовки учителей».

In a rapidly changing Arctic, there is a need to engage in a comprehensive investigation into what Arctic security means in the 21st century. The Special Issue of the journal Politik aims to widen the debate on Arctic security relations through a more comprehensive dialogue inclusive of the many different types of security, t...

A Pocket Guide to Academic Publishing was written in the course of a seminar on academic publishing at the Polar Cooperation Research Centre, Kobe University, Japan. The seminar and book emerged as a response to the absence of a textbook on the ‘hows,’ ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of academic publishing, the knowledge of which students...

Organizers invite abstracts for the conference "The Geography of the Arctic Regions", in St Petersburg, Russia, 9-10 November 2017. The conference will also include a "school of young scientists" for bachelor, master, postgraduate students and young scientists (under 35 years). Abstracts deadline: 20 October 2017.

"Footprints in the Snow: The Long History of Arctic Finland" presents and evaluates Finland’s Northern nature over a long historical time span, focusing on how Northernness has been seen, on the one hand in scientific work, and on the other in political speeches and practices.