The Likhachev Foundation (St. Petersburg, Russia) and the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center (Moscow, Russia), with support of the Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg announce a competition for 2-week cultural fellowships in the field of arts and culture. 

Importance of Arctic research grows across the globe, so does the number of projects to be financially supported. Traditional funding opportunities, like grants and fellowships, hardly can keep pace with this increasing demand. The web platform Instrumentl brings together new and exciting ways to fund research and fuel the ne...

Gerald Anderson, UArctic's new Vice-President Indigenous from Memorial University of Newfoundland, is well-known throughout Newfoundland and Labrador and across Canada for his work with Aboriginal Peoples in the education sector.

Botnia-Atlantica invites applications for its call for project proposals. The projects aim at increasing integration and co-operation in the Botnia-Atlantica area. The deadline for this call is 5 February 2016.

Interreg IV A North invites applications for their project grants. These aim to promote cooperation and development across borders in northern Sweden, Finland and Norway. In the current round, the two regions Nord and Sápmi have priority. The deadline is 1 February 2016.

The EU's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency’s Erasmus+ programme invites applications for its knowledge alliances action. This aims to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity and foster innovation in higher education, business and the broader socio-economic environment. The deadline is 26 February 2016.

The EU's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency’s Erasmus+ programme invites applications for its capacity building in the field of youth action. This aims to increase the capacity of organisations through the implementation of transnational capacity-building and mobility activities. The deadline is 2 February 2016.