Unravelling the North. Critical studies of the Arctic (ed. by Lindroth, Sinevaara-Niskanen & Tennberg) - is now published. The book contains chapters with different perspectives (aesthetics, affects, biopolitics, etc) and ways to apply them in the Arctic context.

UArctic member Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) and the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) invite registration for a virtual Arctic Research Funders Meet and Greet networking event on November 7.

Recently, Jeff Birchall (Lead, UArctic TN on Local-scale Planning, Climate Change and Resilience) and his team from the University of Alberta published an article on fostering resilience and adaptation to climate change in the Canadian North, in the scientific outlet School of Public Policy Publications, through the Universit...

Meet UArctic member University of Bergen's SEAS (Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability) fellows at the open day about the SEAS postdoctoral programme on October 7. The SEAS fellows will introduce themselves and their research about marine sustainability.

Dr. Kirk Anderson, professor at the Faculty of Education at Memorial University (MUN), Canada, has been appointed as the University of Arctic Chair in School Effectiveness and School Improvement for the next five years.

UArctic member Stefansson Arctic Institute is hosting the 2nd annual JUSTNORTH Conference that is taking place in Akureyri, the capital of Northern Iceland, on October 10-12, 2022.