European Athlete as Student Network (EAS 2016) 13th annual conference will be organized in Rovaniemi, Finland on September 15-17, 2016. The conference also serves as a platform for a new UArctic Thematic Network in sports and education that the partner universities plan to initiate during spring 2016.

The 9th Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 will be organized on 20 Mayin Turku, Finland under the theme "Maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea region and beyond". The focus of the Forum will be on transport, shipbuilding and maritime cluster.

Nordforsk invites proposals for its planning grants in societal security. These support the planning of proposals for selected Horizon 2020 Secure Societies calls. The deadline for this call is 11 March 2016.

To celebrate the twenty-year anniversary of the Arctic Council, UArctic (University of the Arctic) has published a special issue of its Shared Voices magazine, released today in Tromsø, Norway as part of the ArcticFrontiersPlus event, organized by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Participants at Arctic Frontiers are welcome to attend a special event, Arctic Frontiers Plus: Arctic Council 20 Years, on January 25, 2016 in Auditorium 1 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, organized by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.