September 23, the Forum on road safety in the Barents region started in Syktyvkar. In the frame of the Forum, a meeting of the road administrations directors from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia (Komi, Karelia, Arkhangelsk region) was held. Representatives of Russian federal agencies also participated in the Forum....

Thanks to a research project of the UArctic Thematic Network on Permafrost, students in Siberia get hands-on scientific experience through permafrost monitoring. Kenji Yoshikawa, lead of the Thematic Network, explains in his Shared Voices 2015 article how the project has been evolving.

Canadian Political Science Students’ Association invite you to attend the 20th annual CPSSA National Conference, held at the University of Victoria from January 27th to the 31st, 2016. This conference is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. The focal theme for the conference will be Sovereignty.

"True people" (Nenei nenecha) is the self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula (Russia), and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants will become part of the reindeer herders' family during the whole year just to “dive” in the casual life of Arctic nomads in XXI c...