Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders calls for young professionals and Ph.D. students/post docs to meet with representatives from academia, business and the public sector through an inspiring and educational program. Emerging Leaders for the Arctic challenge will be arranged in Norway, 20 - 26 January 2016.

The 2015 UArctic Rectors' Forum Declaration has now been approved, following their meeting in Umeå in August, and is available on the UArctic website. In addition, the participants of the Students' Forum have also finalized their 2015 Students' Forum Declaration.

The fieldtrip of students from the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), University of Tromsø, headed by prof. Kare Kullerud with assistance by Anna Pryadunenko to South Verkhoyansk was held from June 28 till July 11, 2015. The field trip was organised by the Thematic Network on Arctic Geology.

The book open to everyone

Tue, Sep 08, 2015
Surgut Central Children's Library (Russia) held a presentation of a unique book. Its content is available to all children including the blind.

Maria Ackrén from University of Greenland was one of the applicants who received financial support from north2north, UArctic mobility and exchange programme for teachers, researchers and students. During her stay in The Faroe Islands in April 2015, Maria associated with an Academic Board Meeting for the West-Nordic studies.

I Arctic Dental Forum

Tue, Sep 08, 2015
The Forum will take place at Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 29-30 October 2015. Registration deadline is the 1st of October.